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Grievance Policy

Any individual receiving services, or the parent or guardian of the individual receiving services, may file a grievance with the provider, the individual's managed care plan or the Division. A copy of this notice is prominently posted in the waiting room, along with a hard copy of the grievance complaint form. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to access the digital version of this form.

1. Medford Children's Therapy (MCT), will:

  • Notify each individual, or guardian, of the grievance procedures by reviewing a written copy of the policy upon entry;

  • Assist individuals and parents or guardians, as applicable, to understand and complete the grievance process; and notify them of the results and basis for the decision;

  • Encourage and facilitate resolution of the grievance at the lowest possible level;

  • Complete an investigation of any grievance within 30 calendar days;

  • Utilize the implemented procedure for accepting, processing, and responding to grievances including specific timelines for each;

  • Allow our Clinic Director to receive and process the grievance;

  • Document any action taken on a substantiated grievance within a timely manner; and 

  • Document receipt, investigation and action taken in response to the grievance. 

2. Expedited Grievances: In circumstances where the matter of the grievance is likely to cause harm to the individual before the grievance procedures outlined in these rules are completed, the individual, or guardian or the individual, may request an expedited review. The Clinic Director must review and respond in writing to the grievance within 48 hours of receipt of the grievance. The written response will include information about the appeal process. 

3. Retaliation: A grievant, witness or staff member must not be subject to retaliation by a provider or anyone else for making a report or being interviewed about a grievance or being a witness. Retaliation may include, but is not limited to, dismissal or harassment, reduction in services, wages or benefits, or basing service or a performance review on the action.


4. Immunity:  The grievant is immune from any civil or criminal liability with respect to the making or content of a grievance made in good faith.

5. Appeals: Individuals and their legal guardians, as applicable, must have the right to appeal entry, transfer and grievance decisions as follows: 

  • If the individual or guardian may file an appeal in writing within ten working days of the date of the Clinic Director's response to the grievance or notification of denial for services as applicable. 

  • If requested, program staff must be available to assist the individual;

  • The Division shall provide a written response within ten working days of the receipt of the appeal;

6. And, if the individual or guardian, if applicable, is not satisfied with the appeal decision, they may file a second appeal in writing within ten working days of the date of the written response to the Director. 


  • The Division: 503-945-5763

  • Disability Rights Oregon: 503-243-2081

  • Health Share/Care Oregon: 503-416-8090/503-416-4100

  • Yamhill Community Care: 855-722-8205

  • PacifcSource Community Solutions: 541-382-5920

  • Columbia Pacific Coordinated Care: 503-488-2822

  • Intercommunity Health Network CCO: 800-832-4580

  • Trillium Community Health Plan: 888-802-7001

  • Governor's Advocacy Office: 503-945-6904

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