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Why Telehealth? 

Due to the unprecedented challenges that COVID-19 has brought, we have strived to adapt and continue serving our families by the use of telehealth services when they are either 1) showing symptoms of illness and are unable to come to their in-clinic session, 2) they are uncomfortable/unable to come to their in-clinic session because they are at 'high risk' for COVID, or 3) we are unable to provide in-clinic sessions due to mandated restrictions. If you are interested in telehealth, read over our FAQs and give us a call or talk to your therapist.  


“What are the benefits of telehealth?”


The therapist’s at MCT have reported that they have been able, through telehealth, to see the patient in their own environments. This can be a benefit as the therapist is better able to help guide the patient and family through home therapy programs, and use tools that they already have at home. This is often our primary goal is for the families to be able to use the tools/activities they have learned at home to encourage progress and success for the family. 


"Is my child a good candidate for telehealth?"


Most children are possible candidates for a telehealth session, but this will need to be decided by you and your therapist. We also will determine whether or not your insurance will allow a telehealth session. 


"How does therapy even work over the computer?"


We use Google Meets with the intention that the family has a device with a working camera and microphone. Once you have scheduled your telehealth appointment, you will receive a link in your email inbox to click on for your appointment. 


"Will I need to assist my child and be hands-on during their session?"


This is dependent on the level/needs of your child. This may need to be determined by your therapist. Some therapists like to send handouts to use in-person and may ask for you to print them out if able. 


“What would be an example of a ‘typical’ session?” 


For OT, a typical session may begin by checking in, creating a plan, and then moving on to a gross motor activity. This could be a simple game, a video, or even sending the child on a scavenger hunt to find objects to create a home obstacle course. This can be helpful to help the child identify what would be appropriate for their environment at home when they need to get moving/strengthen their muscles for movement, learning, and focus. Afterwards we will often move to a table top activity/game before ending the session. 

A typical PT session could entail Range of Motion exercises, instruction of specific floor activities such as yoga poses or therapy ball activities for flexibility and strength. Even equipment checks and orthotic checks can be done via Telehealth to determine if adjustments are needed. 


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